Finally, I have cleared the written exam last week. This doesn't mean I will stop with the theory stuff, in fact I am reading again the certification guide and some QoS books. I am currently doing Narbik Kocharian's Labs Workbook "The Gap from CCNP to CCIE". Though this might be considered an old workbook by some, but the topics here still apply to the current blueprint. I don't have my own rack so I basically do the labs that can be done in GNS3. I am skipping some topics that can only be done in 3550/3650 switches which I will do in a free community lab that I know of. I am halfway through the topics after this I will do the latest Kocharian's workbook. I might as well consider purchasing Kocharian's troubleshooting labs as I find the sample lab very amusing.
I am not promoting Micronics Training in any way. I really like Narbik's approach: Study the technology one at a time and do as much exploration on one topic. This kind of approach IMHO can really make the candidate understand the topic thoroughly. Many candidates fall into the mistake of doing right away the mock labs like crazy but never really explored the topic one after another. Understanding (again IMHO) what you are configuring is a key to passing the lab.
I have not enrolled in any bootcamp but would love to. My primary reason is MONEY, I don't have tons of it. I am a self paying CCIE candidate. Since I can't attend a bootcamp, I read books and visit Cisco Univercd. We have a saying back home and I paraphrase, "If you can't buy a longer blanket, better learn to fit yourself into the blanket", and this is exactly what I am doing.
My plans for doing the lab will be on January 2011, probably take it in Hong Kong. If I feel that I am ready before that, might consider the mobile lab in Singapore by November. I am spending at least 3 hours a night, and a few hours in the office (if not busy) studying and doing some labs on GNS3. For the next 8 months, I will have little to no social life (I never had one before anyways :D). Good day mates and hold on to the Cisco Dream!
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